Monday, August 4, 2008

Diamond in the rough

I have always wanted an armoire.

June 2007:

I bought an armoire from our neighbors for $5, it looked like a beautiful piece that just needed a little love, it was a diamond in the rough. It sat on the back deck for about a week before it moved to the basement (where it sat in a closet for over a year).

This past weekend I told my hubby that I wanted to work on it.

Day 1 - Saturday we pulled it out of the darkness of the basement closet to the backyard. Hubby began to take the panels out (we needed to replace the back, top, side panels and it needed a door panel). We spent $50 in new wood.

By the end of this day I had it white washed.

Day 2 - Hubby and I put the new panels in (back and top too). I also realized that I did not like the white wash (I can see all the flaws, not good). We brought it back inside where I could do a new paint treatment to it and get it in our room.

Day 3 - I spent a good 5.5hrs painting this armoire today (in between taking care of the kids, etc). I painted the main body of the armoire a chartreuse color and the panels a off white. I painted bamboo to the front and carried it over to the sides just a little. The inside I painted a fun, bright pink color. I am not one for New things, so I aged the piece with watered down brown paint.

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