Monday, February 1, 2010

I opened my new vintage shop on etsy on Feb 1,2010. I will sell a mish mash of vintage stuff; mainly toys and kitchen / housewares.
Tomy Fashion Plate (SOLD)
Misc Barbie items.
When I was younger, I would trade Barbie stuff with my neighbors - lets just say that they got the better deal. *if I only knew then what I know now (SOLD).
My Little Ponies (misc) also (SOLD)

Looney Tunes Dominos

I have aprons too. Isnt hubby a good sport by putting it on. *laughs*

1950s Anchor Hocking Turquoise Blue in box.

Pyrex, I love pyrex!

and more Pyrex.

so, if you are looking for some fun vintage things to collect or use come see my shop.

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